- Bullying
- College and Career Information
- Keys to Success
- Parent Resources
- Plan for College and Career Readiness
- Planning Ahead to Pay for College
- Registration
- Social Emotional Resources
Are you being bullied? Do you see bullying at your school? There are things you can do to keep yourself and the people you know safe from bullying.
- Report bullying to the principal or go to:
- Treat Everyone with Respect
- What to Do If You’re Bullied
- Protect Yourself from Cyberbullying
- Stand Up for Others
- Get Involved
If your child feels bullied
Focus on your child: Be supportive and gather information.
Talk with and LISTEN to your children every day.
Be supportive: Tell the child it is not their fault.
Be patient: Talking about bullying can be difficult.
Contact his or her teacher, counselor, or principal.
Explore options: Educate child and discuss options to deal with bullying behavior.
Be a good example of kindness and leadership.
Coaching the child who bullied
Identify the problem
Ask questions and gather further information
Apply consequences
Generate solutions for the future
Follow up
There is a new free mobile app that has been designed by SAMHSA. The KnowBullying app provides parents with tips, conversation starters and warning signs to help parents recognize bullying. To learn more about the KnowBullying app click here.
Useful Resources
- Clarke N. Johnsen Student Handbook pages 22-23
- Report Bullying
- Stop Bullying
- Cyberbullying
- NetSmartz
- Utah Antibullying Website
Is it Bullying?
Conflict |
Rude |
Mean |
Bullying |
Occasional | Occasional | One or twice | Is REPEATED |
Not planned; in the heat of the moment | Spontaneous: unintentional | Intentional | Is planned and done on purpose |
All parties are upset | Can cause hurt feelings; upset | Can hurt others deeply | The target of the bullying is upset |
All parties want things to work out | Based in thoughtlessness, poor manners, or narcissism | Based in anger; impulsive cruelty | The bully is trying to gain control over the target |
All parties will accept responsibility | Rude person accepts responsibility | Behavior often regretted | The bully blames the target |
An effort is made by all parties to solve the problem | The target wants to stop the bully's behavior, the bully does not | ||
Can be resolved through mediation | Social skill building could be beneficial | Needs to be addressed/should not be ignored | Cannot be resolved through mediation |
College and Career Information
5 Good Reasons to go to College:
1. A Better Paying Job:
On average college graduates earn as much as 65% more than high school graduates. Most students want the best paying job they can get.
2. A More Secure Future:
Statistics show that people with higher levels of education and advanced training tend to have better job security and stay ahead of unemployment curves.
3. More Choices:
Most jobs today require specialized training that you can only get in college. That means you will need 1, 2, 4, or more years of education and training after high school to be prepared for jobs in your future.
4. Respect:
Going to college and earning a certificate, a diploma, or a degree will help you feel better about yourself and also help you gain more responsibility and get promotions at work.
5. Be the first!
Are you hesitant because no one in your family has gone to college? Start a tradition! Education and training in college can have a positive impact on you and your entire family
Tooele County Job Resources
Keys to Success
What is the Keys to Success Program?
Keys to Success is student driven! A student will create a Keys to Success account and pick their top 5 career interests. Keys to Success takes students career choices and provides them with CTE pathways, scholarships, internships, and other opportunities. By exploring through all the opportunities Keys to Success provides, students can redeem points for Keys to Success prizes! More information will be coming throughout the school year....stay tuned!
Parent Resources
Guiding Good Choices is an evidence based program that offers strategies to teach parents and children new skill sets.
Tooele City Guiding Good Choices
Positive Mental and Physical Health Suggestions
Attendance Counts
Plan for College and Career Readiness
Plan for College and Career Readiness (PCCR)
Why PCCR's?
School Counselors meet with students and their parent/guardian consistent with state and LEA policy to develop, review, and/or revise the student's Plan for College & Career Readiness.
7th Grade PCCR Meeting
Starting in 7th grade, College & Career Readiness meetings are held each year until the student has graduated from high school. We will be scheduling individual student and parent/guardian meetings during the first semester. Information concerning this meeting and how to sign up for an appointment will be forth coming. Students will receive PCCR Information in their College & Career Awareness class, which is a required class.
8th Grade PCCR Meeting
In 8th grade, we meet with each student individually with their parent/guardian. These meetings are held during the second semester as students are preparing to register and select courses for high school. Information concerning this meeting and how to sign up for an appointment will be forthcoming.
What is the purpose of the College and Career Readiness meetings?
- Goal setting and planning
- Next step plans
- 4-year plus plans
- Education and Goals
- Academic Planning
- Know about yourself
- Know about the world of work
- Find a career path that suits you
- Enrichment and Extracurricular engagement
Career Planning Resources
Keys to Success (information forthcoming - this program replaces Utah Futures)
Careers (career and educational planning resources)
ONet (detailed descriptions of the world of work)
Bureau of Labor Statistics (Occupational Outlook Handbook)
College Planning Resources
Utah Majors (find out what to study in college)
UEN (resources for parents helping teens)
Centsible Student (financial planning for college)
Utah Education Savings Plan (information on college savings program)
College Board (information on college planning)
Smart Start Guide |
Utah Occupational Explorer |
US Occupational Outlook Handbook |
Utah Job Outlook |
Planning Ahead to Pay for College
Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship ($2000)
October 31
Education Matters Scholarship ($5000)
November 30
Unigo Scholarship ($10,000)
December 31
Top 10 Scholarship ($1500)
December 31
I Have a Dream Scholarship ($1500)
January 31
Sweet and Simple Scholarship ($1500)
February 29
Superpower Scholarship ($2500)
March 31
All About Education Scholarship ($3000)
April 30
Fifth Month Scholarship ($1500)
May 31
Do-Over Scholarship ($1500)
June 30
Flavor of the Month Scholarship ($1500)
July 31
Other Junior High Scholarships
Helpful Links
- Scholarship Toolkit - Step UP Utah
- Middle School Checklist -- Federal Student Aid
- Saving Early -- PDF
- My Future, My Way -- PDF Workbook
Scholarship Searches:
- Scholarship Blog -- Utah College Advising Corps
- Fastweb! -- Scholarship Search (Free membership)
- -- College and Scholarships Search
- -- College and Scholarships Search
Scholarship Lists:
- Scholarships for Middle School Students
- Other Utah Scholarships
- Utah Office of Multicultural Affairs Scholarship List
- Community Foundation of Utah Scholarship List
- 25 Celebrity Sponsored or Inspired Scholarships
- 10 Scholarships Inspired by Celebrities
Social Emotional Resources
You can also use SAFEUT to report concerns you may have about your safety or the safety of other students. The program is available via telephone, district or school websites or a smart device APP.
Counseling Resources
Aspen Ridge Counseling, LLC
2880 W. 4700 S. G #1
West Valley, UT 84129
(801) 990-4300
Bear's Ears Child and Family Therapy LLC
22 West Vine Street
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 830-7763
Grantsville Child & Family Counseling Services
225 E. Main St. Suite M
Grantsville, UT 84029
(435) 840-4209
Hales Counseling Center, PLLC
36 N. Main St. #12
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 243-5760
Healing Heart Center for Meaningful Change
300 S. Main, Suite 300
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 849-0598
Messick Family Counseling, LLC
66 West Vine Street, Suite #1
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 503-5350
Pebble Creek Counseling Center
494 E. 2400 N. Suite B
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 249-0321 Office
(435) 224-2399 Cell
Silverado Counseling Services, LLC
PO Box 521207
Salt Lake City, UT 84152
(801) 983-5540
Sunset Counseling Services, LLC
Evan Kenison, LCSW
2356 N. 400 E. Suite 202
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 850-2547
Valley Behavioral Health
100 S. 1000 W.
Tooele, UT 84074
(435) 843-3520
Anxiety & Depression App List
- What’s Up? – A mental Health App
- Happify: for Stress & Worry
- MindShift
- Stigma: Mood Tracker & Journal
- Youper – AI assistant
- Pacifica for Stress and Anxiety
- Breathe2Relax
Suicide Prevention
What you can do if you think someone might be considering Suicide:
- Watch for warning signs: depression and hopelessness, substance abuse, giving away possessions, dramatic mood changes, intense anger.
Question: "Are you thinking about suicide?" "How would you do it?" "When would you do it?"
- This allows your friend to ask for help and talk openly about their feelings
- These questions help you to know what you need to do to get them help
- Persuade: Talk with your friend about getting help. Keep the conversation positive.
- Report: 911, SafeUT, school counselor
Parent Tools for Suicide Prevention
Tooele Free Suicide Prevention Training
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention 101 Library
Emergency Phone Numbers
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
1-888-628-9454 (Spanish)
State Crisis Hotline (24 hours)
Tooele Youth Services (8:00 am to 5:30 pm Mon-Fri)
(435) 882-5600
Tooele County Dispatch
(435) 882-5600
Tooele City Police Department
(435) 882-8900
"Uni"- University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute
Grantsville City Police Department
(435) 884-6881
Poison Control